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Importance of Environment of Care Tours

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Some link

The Joint Commission rescinded the Environment of Care tour standard requirement of twice a year in clinical and once a year in non-clinical. However,  many facilities have continued tours to help maintain compliance. Is this still important? Is it a best practice to continue?

When asked how important EOC tours are, my response is that facilities should approach them as if they are still a standard. 

Four Advantages of EOC Tours: 

  1. Continues consistent education on the floors regarding the importance of compliance
  2. Ability to track compliance on a consistent basis by analyzing and tracking data on what is identified on the floors 
  3. Helps identify the “low hanging fruit” that are a common finding during your accreditation agency physical environment tour
  4. Allows the opportunity to work with other leaders within the organization on minimizing compliance issues within their specific department

Even though it seems like you’re adding more to your workload, you really are not. You still have to audit compliance to ensure you are survey ready. So why wouldn’t you take advantage of the programs you have to help decrease findings while also increasing efficiencies within your organization? 

Soleran understands these needs and has developed a software program to help track findings and analyze trends/data easily when utilizing our Rounding Suite. Not only do we make it easy to track data, we also make the program as user-friendly as possible to create the most efficient tours.

We work directly with our facility directors to get their feedback on how we can improve the process for them and ensure we are constantly meeting the needs of our clients. 

I encourage you to reach out to our sales staff and explore how we can help you with your programs. I am confident you will not be disappointed and will be excited to start utilizing our products as soon as possible. Also, if you want to dive further into EOC Tours, register for our upcoming webinar this month. Register here: https://www.soleran.com/blog-posts/importance-of-ec-tours-efficiently-closing-the-loop  

Hope to see you there!

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